Here you will find instructions and exercises in rhythm reading in varying degrees of difficulty.
Rhythm reading for beginners
First instructional video, with three practice examples. We use whole notes, half notes and quarter notes. After this video, you can find a sheet of music with several exercises to work on yourself.
Exercise sheet 1 can be downloaded here.
Video 2. More practice examples and we add eighth notes.
Video 2B Which rythm?
Exercise sheet 2 can be downloaded here
Exercise sheet 2b can be downloaded here
Video 3. We are adding rests.
Exercise sheet 3 can be downloaded here
Exercise sheet 3b can be downloaded here
Video 4: We are adding 16th notes.
Exercise sheet 4 (no 8-rests) can be downloaded here.
Exercise sheet 4 (with 8-rests) can be downloaded here.
Rhythm reading for pupils with a little experience
Video 1. to get started. We use half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes and sixteenth notes. This is an introductory video to make it easier for you to work on the tasks below.
Exercise sheet 1 can be downloades here
Exercise sheet 1 can be downloades here
Video 2. We add ties and dotted notes.
Exercise sheet 1 can be downloaded here
Exercise sheet 2 can be downloaded here
Rhythm reading for more experienced pupils
Video 1. In addition to what is used in the tasks for the little experienced, we use triplets.